In Our Egg donation process, as part of their initial application and counselling sessions our egg donors undergo a thorough medical examination by our resident OB/Gyn.
Applicants are rejected if they are found to have any medical condition(s) on our restricted list or have had cosmetic surgery, (with the exception of dental work).
Egg Donors
Once a egg donor has completed her application she meets with one of our professional counsellors who explains the egg donation process in detail. Including any side effects that she may experience during her medical treatment.
A Signed Agreement.- All donors must sign an agreement to this effect before they start the process. It is also explained that on signing the Agreement she loses all rights to her eggs once she has completed her donor cycle.
Donor Medical Screening.- Donor screening is the most important part of the egg bank process and our donors are screened to American FDA standards- the highest in the world, and includes Carrier Testing at our laboratory in the USA.
The medical screening process is extremely comprehensive so you can be sure that your donor will be free of genetic and communicable diseases.
Egg Bank Guarantee.- We have a minimum purchase of 8 eggs but after that you can choose how many eggs you would like. For NGS we recommend a minimum of 12-eggs and thanks to our EGG BANK GUARANTEE you can be assured that you will receive the exact number of thawed Mature M2 eggs that you requested.
Donor Availability.- Generally, we have a wide range of donor eggs available and also provide our egg bank service to clinics and egg banks in other countries such as Australia, Singapore, North America, the Ukraine and several Asian countries.
Egg Bank Advantage.- The big advantage for egg donation is that you can purchase eggs and have a donor cycle in just 19-days from the date of your last period, rather than having to wait for a donor to become available, scheduled and have her IVF cycle matched to you. And thanks to recent advances, success rates for frozen or fresh egg cycles are now identical.
Egg Bank for Surrogacy.- Egg Bank services have transformed the way people approach fertility treatment. Particularly where surrogacy is involved. We can ship to overseas countries within a few days. You can also have the male partner’s sperm collected at our clinic, the eggs thawed and fertilised and we can then ship the embryos for you. There are many options.